Monday, April 16, 2012

Ich wollt mal wieder Servus sagen!

"Ich wollt mal wieder Servus sagen" is Austrian German for "I just want to say hello again" 

One of my good friends, Harald, sent this card last August 15, 2011, during Mariä Himmelfahrt (Feast of the Assumption), which also happens to be Der große Frauentag (Women's Day) in Austria.  

His Facebook status that day reads, "...Be sure to remember the important women in your life today: especially those who keep you pure and act as your steadfast light during the challenges of life on earth. :)"


Perhaps the sweetest and most thoughtful postcard I've ever received :)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

April Update

Haven't really had much time and enthusiasm to update this blog because I finally got a job for the government.  Awesome contractual job that'll do for now.  As expected, I failed the preliminary exam of the FSE.  Game face on for next year! Gotta read more on Management.

I cleaned my room tonight and threw out old papers and outdated flyers.  Reorganized my desk and took out some dusty high school books to relearn algebra, physics, and chemistry.  Will also start reading on Management and Organizations. All this while reading fictional novel and a pop economics book on the side.

Stopped sending postcards actually.  Will resume on Monday.  And will write on this blog again.

Lez do this.  Let's see how long this feeling motivates me.