Sunday, September 22, 2013


I'm in law school. For now.

The government job I had gave me so much free time to the point that I think I grew stupider, duller, and more unproductive by the minute. So I decided to take the UPLAE and enter law school in case I passed. Which I unfortunately did.

Everyday I'm studying. Well, on most days I am. I've been studying more than I have in all my elementary and high school years combined.

2-hour recitations, 30-70 cases per day, and moody professors. Had I known what I was signing myself into, I probably wouldn't have taken the law aptitude exam in the first place. But I'm here now and the only way I'm getting out is if they kick me out. 

Everyday I think about quitting and leaving law school to get myself back in the job market, have more time for myself and my friends, read more non-law school books, watch more movies, do more stuff. But I can't leave now. Not while people still believe I can survive this hell I've blindly chosen to get myself into.